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Step by Step


You must fill out this form to help us get to know you better, so we can provide you with the best possible service.


Once we have reviewed the form, we will let you know how much the package you wish to purchase will cost.


You stopped postponing your dreams and decided to travel with us!


We will need a 50% down payment to get to work on your trip.


Once we have a draft, we will send it to you so you can make any adjustments you wish (as long as they are feasible).


We will make the pertinent adjustments to your trip, and it is time to pay the remaining 50%.


We will send you your travel plan according to the package you have purchased.


It's time to travel! *Remember that during the whole trip you will be able to contact us for any questions you may have.


It's time for you to rate us with this survey, and to spread the word so that more travellers can fulfil their dreams!

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